ANDI Events Israel

Frequently asked questions

Order and payments

How to choose an event on the site?
There is the line placed on the site’s main page for selecting events by category. A little bit below placed the line for finding events based on the specified parameters. You can also sort events by the parameter of interest: city, popular, new, etc.
How to order tickets online?
Click the "Buy Ticket" in the list of sessions on the event page then you will be redirected to the page with the scheme of the hall with the prices and choice of places.

Mark the places of interest. The list of selected tickets is displayed to the right of the scheme. You have 10 minutes to pay for the selected places.

After clicking the "Pay" button you will be redirected to the order page, where the data recipient tickets must specified (name, passport, phone, email) and select the appropriate payment method.

By clicking the "Submit Order" button you confirm your order and will be redirected to the tickets payment page in a [payment] way that you have chosen.

If the order is not paid within the specified period of time, it will be automatically canceled, and tickets will again be on sale.

Can I book tickets by phone?
The process of buying and receiving tickets is fully automated, so we do not use the phone payment service.
How to pay for the order?
Tickets can be paid by any of the convenient ways for you that are included on the site at the time of the order: credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, as well as funds from your personal balance.
Is it safe to pay by credit card on the site?

Order payment pages are securely protected, all data entered by you is sent through encrypted channels to the credit company. Only the payment confirmation comes to us.

The data of your card is not stored in our system (except for the last 4 digits, for identification), so the possibility of getting someone by your data is excluded.

How to get purchased tickets?
Right after the payment you will receive digital tickets with QR code on the email you specified in the order.

Your tickets are stored in the section "My orders" (at the top right of the site) as well as the entire history of your orders.

An hour before the beginning of the event, the ticket office and the entrance to the hall are opened. Show your digital tickets with QR code at the entrance to the hall for scanning.

Please keep a passport with the details which you indicated in the order, in case you are asked to present it. This situation is possible to authenticate the purchase.

Additional Information

What happens to my tickets if the event is canceled?

In case of event cancellation our operators will inform you about this and the money will be refunded in full amount.

Can I get more information about the event by phone?
The website provides the most complete information about the event. You can find full description on the event page such as: dates and times, halls schemes and descriptions, events addresses, the number of available seats and the tickets cost.

The operator on the phone will not be able to provide additional information about the event, since all the available information is present on the event page.

Can I buy tickets for seats that are not available on the site?
All available for purchase tickets can be seen in the hall scheme. If you don’t see any places, it means that we don’t have them.
I made the order, but did not receive an e-mail notification letter, what should I do?

Once you have paid for the order a notification letter is immediately sent to your email. If the letter does not come, check the "Spam" or "Junk Mail" folder. It may also be that you entered the wrong e-mail address.

Also, your tickets are always available in the “My Orders” section.

How to know in advance about new events on the site?
Every week we make a mailing list with new events. You will receive notifications automatically if you are registered on the site. Unregistered users can subscribe to the mailing list in the Subscribe section.

Ticket return

Can I make changes to my order or cancel it?

After purchasing your ticket transaction can not be canceled and you can not CHANGE purchased tickets.
I could not get to the event. Will you return the money?

Regardless of the reason why you did not get to the event, your tickets are canceled and the money for them is non-refundable.

How to return a purchased ticket?

Create an environment for sharing through an Internet site ANDIEVENTS.COM tickets lead to general acceptance, agreement in the user community that is actually on your site.

Ticket cancellation procedure initiated by the buyer

The order may be cancelled or the date may be changed within 14 days from the date of purchase, provided that this is done at least 7 days before the date of the event. The day of the event itself is counted as the eighth day. To be based on classified information to protect consumer rights –

The funds are returned to the same payment system from which the payment was made, minus the service fee and 5% of the total ticket price. Start production within 14 days after receiving a written request in electronic form at INFO@ANDIEVENTS.COM .

Cancellation of the order without deduction of the commission is possible on the day of purchase, if the request was sent during business hours from Sunday to Thursday from 09:00 to 17:00.

Refund procedure in case of cancellation, modification or postponement of events

In case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the event, the refund will be made in full to the same payment system through which the payment was made, within 14 working days after notification of the change.

If the event is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, all tickets remain valid for the new date. If the new date does not suit the client, the issue of refund is considered individually, when providing documents confirming the impossibility of attending the event on the new date.

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